Time and date functions

The following functions operate on the built-in type DateTime for timestamps.

DateTime::addSeconds : DateTime -> Int -> DateTime

The function DateTime::addSeconds adds seconds to a timestamp.


val a = DateTime::addSeconds #2017-12-24T13:37:00Z# 60
//    = #2017-12-24T13:38:00Z#

DateTime::addDays : DateTime -> Int -> DateTime

Add days to a timestamp.


val now = #2018-02-08T10:00:00Z#
val tomorrow  = DateTime::addDays now 1
//            = #2018-02-09T10:00:00Z#
val yesterday = DateTime::addDays now (0 - 1)
//            = #2018-02-07T10:00:00Z#


The type DateTime::Components represents the components of a DateTime value, e.g., year, month, etc. The DateTime::Components is a built-in type.

The definition is

module DateTime {
  type Components {
    year : Int,
    month : Int,
    day : Int,
    hour : Int,
    minute : Int,
    second : Int

DateTime::components : DateTime -> DateTime::Components

Extract a DateTime::Components representation from a DateTime value.


val a = DateTime::components #2018-02-08T10:15:30Z#
//    = DateTime::Components {
//        year = 2018,
//        month = 2,
//        day = 8,
//        hour = 10,
//        minute = 15,
//        second = 30
//      }


The built-in type DateTime::DayOfWeek represents the days of the week.

Its definition is

module DateTime {
  type DayOfWeek
    | Monday
    | Tuesday
    | Wednesday
    | Thursday
    | Friday
    | Saturday
    | Sunday

DateTime::dayOfWeek : DateTime -> DateTime::DayOfWeek

Get the day of week for a DateTime value.


val monday = DateTime::dayOfWeek #2007-01-01#
//         = DateTime::Monday