Duration functions

The following functions operate on the built-in type Duration for durations.

Duration::fromSeconds : Float -> Duration

The function Duration::fromSeconds creates a new duration from seconds. You can specify milliseconds using the fractional part of the Float.


val a = Duration::fromSeconds 62.123
//    = #PT1M2.123S#

Duration::fromMinutes : Float -> Duration

The function Duration::fromMinutes creates a Duration from a Float representing minutes.


val a = Duration::fromMinutes 62.5
//    = #PT1H2M30S#

Duration::fromHours : Float -> Duration

The function Duration::fromHours creates a Duration from a Float representing hours.


val a = Duration::fromHours 4.25
//    = #PT4H15M#

Duration::fromDays : Float -> Duration

The function Duration::fromDays creates a Duration from a Float representing days.


val a = Duration::fromDays 2.5
//    = #P2DT12H#

Duration::toSeconds : Duration -> Float

The function Duration::toSeconds converts a duration to a Float the value of which is the total seconds of the duration.


val a = Duration::toSeconds #PT1M2.123S#
//    = 62.123

Duration::addSeconds : DateTime -> Float -> DateTime

The function Duration::addSeconds adds the given number of seconds to a duration. In contrast with DateTime::addSeconds this function takes a Float which therefore allows one to add milliseconds to a timestamp.


val a = Duration::addSeconds #2018-01-01T00:00:00# 62.123
//    = #2018-01-01T00:01:02.123#

Duration::between : DateTime -> DateTime -> Duration

The function Duration::between returns a Duration which is the number of days, hours, minutes and seconds between the arguments.


val a = Duration::between #2018-02-01# #2018-03-01T00:00:00.123#
//    = #P28DT0.123S#
val b = Duration::between #2018-02-01# #2018-03-01#
//    = #P28D#

Duration::diffDateTimes : DateTime -> DateTime -> Duration

The function Duration::diffDateTimes returns a Duration which is the number of days, hours, minutes and seconds that passes from the second argument to the first.


val a = Duration::diffDateTimes #2018-03-01T00:00:00.123# #2018-02-01#
//    = #P28DT0.123S#
val b = Duration::diffDateTimes #2018-02-01# #2018-03-01#
//    = #-P28D#

Duration::addDurations : Duration -> Duration -> Duration

The function Duration::addDurations adds two durations together.


val a = Duration::addDurations #PT1H2M3S# #PT60S#
//    = #PT1H3M3S#

Duration::subDurations : Duration -> Duration -> Duration

The function Duration::subDurations subtracts the second duration from the first.


val a = Duration::subDurations #PT1H2M3S# #PT60S#
//    = #PT1H1M3S#

Duration::addToDateTime : Duration -> Duration -> DateTime

The function Duration::addToDateTime adds a Duration to a DateTime.


val a = Duration::addToDateTime #2018-01-01# #P1D#
//    = #2018-01-02#

Duration::negate : Duration -> Duration -> Duration

The function Duration::negate negates a Duration.


val a = Duration::negate #P1DT2S#
//    = #-P1DT2S#

Duration::components : Duration -> Duration::Components

The function Duration::components returns a value of the type Duration::Components which represents the individual components of time of the argument.


val a = Duration::components #P1DT2H62M3.333S#
//    = Duration::Components {
//        day = 1,
//        hour = 3,
//        minute = 2,
//        second = 3.333
//      }